August 2023 Life & Land

There is a LOT blooming on the farm right now. If we were in person, it would probably take an hour phone scroll to catch you up in photos with all the details.

So, I’ll catch you up quickly in this blog post and then hopefully get to see you in September on the farm (all our new sessions are posted and you can visit the link at the bottom of the blog to learn more).

For August here’s what life on the farm looks like:

Rosey helping me do my garden scout.

Marigolds in full bloom. We have been pinching off the spent blooms to collect for seed. Next, we will be cutting to dry blooms for future floral projects.

Sunny helping me count pollinators.

Harvesting sunflowers. They grew up to 8-9ft tall!!!

Zebra and Poppy supervising me as I harvest bundles of cosmos to collect seed for our Seed Saving Sessions.

Our wildflower mix has been eye-popping. Every morning, the colors wake me right up! The purpose for them right now is that they are regenerating neglected soil. We are about to chop them all down so they can start the decomposing process.

When you walk by our flowers, you will feel like snow white. There are so many butterflies fluttering and hummingbirds buzzing around you. It’s truly magical. The butterflies will come sit on the flowers that you just harvested in your hands. It’s wild! Now, picture me trying to photograph that….it hasn’t been successful so here is the best I was able to do. :)

PASSION FLOWER! I put this in all caps because I discovered it growing wildly near the farm. It’s a native flower that has so much cool history and meaning behind it. I will leave it to you to go research and one day I’ll do a whole blog post on it. :) It’s truly mesmerizing and when you do spot one …. it doesn’t stay in bloom for long so soak it in. I am now in the process of propagating from this vine. I’ll keep you updated.

These are our re-blooming Lily’s and it’s truly a treat when you can catch three flowers on one stem blooming at the same time. For me, it was a reminder of the Trinity always working in unity. :)

I would love to meet and connect with you at our

upcoming therapeutic horticulture farm sessions:

Chelsea Korzenko